Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 5: CEDO 550 Reflection

1. My experience with online communities has been …
Overall, positive. For example, my experience with the cohort I've been participating in for the past year and a half has been very positive. I've met some interesting people and have had an opportunity to gain some new perspectives from the participants in the program. Because we are able to interact outside of the set class time through the use of discussion boards and small group meetings, I feel like I have gotten to know everyone in my class a lot better than I have ever gotten to know (an entire group of people) in my undergrad traditional setting.

2. I believe the biggest benefit of collaborative groups is …
Gaining new perspectives and coming up with something better than one can do alone. My experience has been that I come in with an idea based on what I have done and what I've learned over the years, but after talking things through with the group I come out with a much richer result due to everyone contributing to the process.

3. I believe the greatest challenge is/would be …
If the participants could not come to a consensus. Part of working in a collaborative group means being flexible and open to others' opinions. Consensus does not always mean 100% agreement, but if you agree to consent to the final product then you need to support the decision to go that route. I think that is more difficult for participants not used to working in a collaborative setting.

4. My thoughts regarding the social development and socialization issues are …
Just like most everything, the way we address social development and socialization needs to reflect today's world. Traditional schools need to actually teach socialization, rather than simply look at it as a by-product of students sharing a physical space. We can't expect kids to just know how to get along and act appropriately without those skills being taught to them. The online setting, because it is so new, does spend time addressing appropriate interaction and teaching students how to "get along" in that format. The fact that many biases or prejudices that can develop in a traditional setting are taken out of the equation of an online classroom (because students can't see each other), relationships are developed around what each student can contribute to the group.
I don't think either setting is perfect, but it seems that more learning can happen in an online setting because of the emphasis on learning, developing and applying effective communication skills.

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