Saturday, February 18, 2012

CEDo555 Portfolio Week 4: Putting into Practice

While I had set up the basic structure of my portfolio a few weeks ago, I spent the past week gathering artifacts to add some depth and dimension to my work. I chose to use the NETS-Administrator standards as my framework for that section of my portfolio due to the nature of my work and the fact that I am not a classroom teacher. As I was gathering my artifacts to demonstrate my use of these standards, I found that very little I created in my coursework actually made sense; but I discovered that I was able to easily locate examples of work I created in my real-life applications that were a direct result of what I learned in the cohort. I am happy with what I have come up with, I just hope that the fact I didn't use my course artifacts for this section won't count against me.

I am looking forward to putting together the next section of my portfolio related to the courses we experienced and the projects I completed along the way. There were so many opportunities to get creative and showcase abilities, so I am looking forward to that process of reflecting upon and presenting my work.