Sunday, August 14, 2011

CEdO540 Week 5

This week we looked at Google Trends, which I found to be very interesting. I like the fact that you can search for comparable topics and get a graphical display of search trends since January 2004. The tool also suggests articles related to the items in the trend comparison, which I found to be quite useful. During my investigation of Google Trends I checked out the Hot Topics, which is a list of the top 20 topics searched most recently. At first I wasn't sure the relevance of the topics listed; why people would be searching the topics listed? I found by digging a little deeper, I became more informed of events occurring that have captured the interest of a large population. I could see both Trends and Hot Topics used (with supervision) in the classroom to discuss current events and to look at trends in many different subject areas.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

CEdO540 Week 4

We've had a couple of weeks off and I'm feeling a little lost as far as computing z-scores and what all of the statistical data actually means. Hopefully class on Tuesday will help me regroup and get back on track!

We read articles and watched a youtube video of dataminer Bill Tancer. I found his innovative approach to market research interesting and disconcerting at the same time. I think it is pretty amazing what one can learn by analyzing online traffic patterns--what concerns me is the ability of a person or entity being able to tag certain users and follow their habits indefinitely. While I believe people like Bill Tancer are using this information for the right reasons, it is a little frightening to know that someone out there is possibly tracking my online shopping and social networking habits!