Here is this week's reflection:
1. | Identify at least two synchronous and two asynchronous online learning tools that would be appropriate for your targeted online learners. |
I work with adults in more of a professional development setting. Some synchronous learning tools my targeted group of online learners could use include the Learn Central Elluminate rooms, and web conferencing tools such as skype, oovoo, or Live Minutes. As far as asynchronous tools go, my learners could use wikis, discussion boards, and email to name a few. |
2. | List four different types of activities that you might use with your targeted online learners and identify an appropriate online tool to use in implementing that activity. | |
1. Plan a project using a wiki. This could be done asynchronously, allowing for participants to add and edit on their own time. 2. Share ideas / effective lesson plans with the team using a shared Google Doc. Each month we select a HOTS Level and a 21st Century Learning Skill to integrate into the lesson plans. I've set up a Google Doc with a table for the teachers to share any lesson ideas using the skills of the month that they feel were especially effective or innovative. 3. Collaborate in developing an online presentation during training. I've done this with my staff at the beginning of the year when reviewing test administration. I share a Google Presentation Doc with the slides set up to include headings. The staff worked in teams to complete the assigned slides and then each team shared their contribution to the presentation. It was an engaging way to review somewhat dry subject matter. 4. Brainstorming. Use, provide a prompt and give participants a set amount of time to post their note/contribution. As a group the responses can be categorized and used as a way to facilitate the discussion. |
3. | Is my initial contact warm and inviting? Are there things I did particularly well or could do better in the future? | |
Yes, I think my initial contact is warm and inviting, as well as appropriate for my audience. I think I did a good job of providing information to describe our first steps in the training. I tried to be reassuring by extending myself for assistance both regarding the online session and in general as a resource within the organization. I hope that by asking participants to share a little about themselves, and by giving some insight to the objectives of the session, they will have less anxiety about starting a new job. I am sure it could be better, and I tend to edit and revise as I get feedback from those who are on the receiving end of the information. |
4. | Is my initial contact clear and concise and yet user friendly? What are some strategies that help to format your contacts to make them as clear and concise as possible? | |
Overall, I believe it is clear, concise and user friendly. I used bulleted lists to help break out the information visually for the reader and that helped take out some of the "wordiness." I shared objectives and gave the participants an opportunity to ask questions via email or phone. I provided a link to the online meeting space, made them aware of the headset / audio setup, and let them know I would be online early should they need any assistance. |
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